Time INT
I find it difficult to like or dislike appointments in INT.
They treat me so strangely there.
Sutro Tower
And here's one from Lori!
And if you ever thought there was a good reason Sutro Tower needs an official poem, you could start a petition! I know a candidate!
Hairpin Turn: Football
Football is the most American sport.
All it lacks is guns.
1Shoot The Shooter
By Nathaniel Chadwick, used by permission.
Above by Lori J.
Godboy Grows Thru Ceiling, Names Names
for PJK, b. 3/12/91
We didn't paint it shut.
I should start this at the beginning, but I don't go back that far.
Sorry Pat. Think of it as a rented suit.
You control it so there is no splatter.
This can be learned.
Halls, Out
Halls, flood odded walls Flight lighty out of am arrayed out off
Flight tight information from the someone in charge
Heavy your ever rally, Volume a hll a hall At ring night
The force lands on all hands literally an lightly enough
Meds to host a surgery night, wide open and every.
After the surgeon told us on speaker
The cancer had spread to my lungs
As they had suspected, and this is not
In his wheelhouse, his area of expert
Knifery, carvo-tronics, and holding forth,
We sat as the truth rushed over us hot
And cold, emptier and emptier, and the
Surgeon waited for quest
I Drool
On everything. My pillowcase,
Sheets, your afghan, shirt.
I'll Be Ending
Sorry for the surprise but it happens
And I didn't know quite when to start
And then sudden it was getting too
Late, and I thought I might miss you all.
Let me start again.
"This does not look good, sir" said
The surgeon, getting it through not
Just to me, but his whole team.