The jewels were set off long ago as fireworks

The shoe or the sheer wonder of a shiver

Provided whatever light it could

While I provided harness for a knot-bun

Of bone, sinew, and statistical analysist

Torso of a man, head of a ram

And all the glory that flows from a doner's clone:

Rag and bo

Mom and Lori,  Lori, Lori, Mark Z, and Nat

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I find it difficult to like or dislike appointments in INT.

They treat me so strangely there.
Football is the most American sport.

All it lacks is guns.
Next stop is the burying ground next stop

Running down the ghosts of the boys on that train

Oft ye boys grounded to a stop or stooped and stared

As if outside the world's largest Olive Garden

Hammering by the light of all hammering

Explaining how it's so hard to keep the whole thing for

for PJK, b. 3/12/91

We didn't paint it shut.

I should start this at the beginning, but I don't go back that far.

Sorry Pat. Think of it as a rented suit.

You control it so there is no splatter.

This can be learned.
Overnight two holes appear in my chin

Where coffee can drip from my mouth to my nick

I'm striving for wearable wellness

The nerves are misaligned

I reach out

There is the real tongue and the fake tongue

The fake tongue says

Pooodddy Taaaaadt

The real tongue says

Find out? How's he gonna fin
It's hard to write things that don't fail at least a little

When writing about death.
Halls, flood odded walls Flight lighty out of am arrayed out off

Flight tight information from the someone in charge

Heavy your ever rally, Volume  a hll a hall At ring night

The force lands on all hands literally an lightly enough

Meds to host a surgery night, wide open and every.
Dying takes so much energy we will begin to look like everything we do

Of the energy burst that will make this day tolerable

I asked what time it was, not how to make a watch

If I could predict the duration and/or timing

I didn't want to start saying

Goodbye too early, not knowing

If not neces
The canvas shudders as it snaps back

On to the frame, brief moment before time

Smoothes edges and proportions lock into

Pleasing stillness. A quick look at four corners

For true, turn 180, three steps back, turn again,

A look at the whole and the whole has not come apart.
On social media, it's a project, art project,

A way to address what I have to address anyway

So why not art in the middle of the room. Pain

Just sitting there and shouting, anger and thank yous.

This is some guy dying or this is a guy I know dying.
After the surgeon told us on speaker

The cancer had spread to my lungs

As they had suspected, and this is not

In his wheelhouse, his area of expert

Knifery, carvo-tronics, and holding forth,

We sat as the truth rushed over us hot

And cold, emptier and emptier, and the

Surgeon waited for quest
On everything. My pillowcase,

Sheets, your afghan, shirt.
Sorry for the surprise but it happens

And I didn't know quite when to start

And then sudden it was getting too

Late, and I thought I might miss you all.

Let me start again.

"This does not look good, sir" said

The surgeon, getting it through not

Just to me, but his whole team.
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About Me
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San Francisco, CA, United States
I write poetry and music.

My book of poems, Domestic Violence (under the name David Fox), was published by Vatic Hum Press in 2000, and my poems have appeared in dozens of journals, including Denver Quarterly, Exquisite Corpse, Central Park, Tinfish, Orpheus Grid, o-blek, Blue Unicorn and Processed World, and have been anthologized in Writing From The New Coast. On line, I was Featured at 99 Poems for the 99%, and will appear in their upcoming print anthology.

My music is on MySpace under the names Twistyfix & Tawkey. I was the founding member of Johnny Nervous and the Disorders and have played with and in JNeo & The Content Providers and Vanilla Pussyfoot, and other bands too ponderous to mention. I once auditioned as a bassist for Frank Zappa. And I had a development deal with Atlantic Records for a while, which resulted in no recordings being released. Yay!

Follow me on the Twitters @da5idfx.
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